COVID-19 Resources
Helpful Links Related to COVID-19
Many people might be looking for resources to find out more about COVID-19 as it pertains to business. So, we've compiled a few that we hope will help.
Here's a summary of the CARES Act as compiled by the Forest Resources association
CDC guidelines for businesses dealing with COVID-19 events
Want to read the entire 880-page document? Click here
CISA Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce
USDA frequently asked questions concerning coronavirus
7 science-based strategies to cope with coronavirus anxiety
Remember, Louisiana remains under a Stay at Home Order
Need to know about the H-2B visas during this time? Here's a couple of links that might help:
Frequently asked questions about H-2B visas and coronavirus
OSHA has issued guidelines for businesses and employees for COVID-19
Department of Labor guidelines for employers and employees
Department of Labor Families First Act information for sick leave