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We've postponed annual tree giveaway


Every year, the Louisiana Forestry Association holds its Arbor Day Tree Giveaway on the third Friday in January. Due to this week's crazy winter weather, the LFA has postponed the event until Friday, Jan. 26.

The sub-freezing temperatures and icy precipitation has caused transportation delays. That meant delays in trees being delivered to the office in Alexandria. But the only change is the day for you to come by and get a free tree. The giveaway begins at 7:30 a.m.

Each year, the LFA holds its annual tree giveaway, providing free trees to anyone wanting to pass by our office, 2316 S. MacArthur Drive in Alexandria. This year ArborGen SuperTree is providing seedling species of:

Bald Cypress

Overcup Oak

Water Oak

Willow Oak

Also, Louisiana Forest Seed is providing sapling species of:

Bald Cypress

Green Ash

Live Oak

River Birch

Sawtooth Oak

Sweetly Magnolia

Weeping Willow

So make plans to come by the LFA office, 2316 S. MacArthur Drive in Alexandria a get some free trees!


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