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University of Kentucky seeking research assistant

The Department of Forestry and Natural Resources at the University of Kentucky is looking to hire a research assistant for a project on the economic impacts of timber supply in that state. The job will be filled at the master's of science level. According to the university, the research focus is: "Oaks (Quercus spp.) are keystone species in many forest ecosystems, and are ecologically and economically valuable. However, in spite of their broad distribution and abundance, oaks are impacted by a variety of threats. In Kentucky, white oak (Quercus alba) plays significant role in the economy, particularly in the bourbon and wine industry for supply of stave logs that are used in bourbon barrels production. White oak lumber is also used in veneer and high quality hardwood lumber production. This research focuses on oak timber supply as affected by both biotic and abiotic factors and its economic impacts in Kentucky." To find out more and submit an application, click on the link below.

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