Vandersteen honored for 40 years dedication

Louisiana Forestry Association Executive Director C.A. "Buck" Vandersteen was honored at the 75th Annual Meeting of the association in August for his 40 years of service to the LFA and dedication to forestry in the state.
Vandersteen began his time at the LFA in 1982. He started out in the Peace Corps in the 1970s in Liberia, West Africa. After two years there, he came to Louisiana to work as a procurement forester and soon found what many might consider his calling as leading the LFA from its successful work in promoting the reforestation of the state to pursuing more markets to help sustain healthy forests.
"That's not on the script," Vandersteen quipped when taken by surprise at the annual meeting. "I can't believe it's 40 years. I'm still here; I'm still planning on staying and representing such a wonderful group. How can anyone leave a group of men and women and industry and industry and loggers and all who make Louisiana Forestry so great?"